Boston Police shake destruction and illness menanwhile Rallies and Protests

Illness Menanwhile  Rallies and Protests in Boston 

The national attention focused on the Boston Saturday as demonstrators planned to fill the streets to pronounce their opposition to intolerance and racism within a week after a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville.

Many are worried that the protest in Boston is turning into riots, causing property damage and producing casualties – a repetition of events in Charlottesville that led to a death and many injuries. The fear is that violence will come to Boston, the big city where tens of thousands of outraged anti-racist demonstrators waited in the streets.

But after the conclusion of the marches — more than 40 000 attended — their concern seemed oversized. The Government of the city of Boston and the police were allowed to poorly attended, called "Free Speech Rally," which has the rally Bond Virginia White nationalist protests, and the disadvantages of far outdated the original event.

Participants in the "free speech" rallies were inaugurated by the police by the crowd of demonstrators. Mark Peterson/NBC news report
"I want to say thank you to everyone who came today," said Boston Mayor Marty Walsh. "I want to say thank you to all who have come to share ... it is a message of love is not hatred;" to respond to racism; to combat anti-semitism; To fight a white supremacy that came to our city--the Nazis who came to our city. "

Boston Commissioner William Evans supported the mayor's comments, stating that "99.9 percent" of those who were present were there to "stand up against fanaticism and hatred." He noted that there were only 33 arrests, there were no serious injuries, no significant material damage and said that everything went according to the plan.

The Commissioner then shares some of the details of their plan, which seems to begin by avoiding the police procedures used in Charlottesville.

"We don't want what happened in Virginia took place here," said Evans. "We don't want them to be at each other's throats."

The chief of police in Charlottesville, Al S. Thomas Jr., defended his ministry's response to the chaos of the white nationalists who shook the capital last Saturday. He claimed that the rally participants did not follow the plan of the two parties had agreed to forestall the event, forcing the officers to scramble and improvise.

"It's a challenge," said Thomas at a press conference on Monday. "We are scattered once dispersed groups." Some suggest that he was just overwhelmed, even if Thomas had avoided such a statement.

By comparison, the Boston Police Service, however, includes more than 2 000 officers and hundreds of civilian personnel. Charlottesville — City of 50 000 inhabitants, twelve Boston residents — have fewer than 130 officers.

While the police ratio roughly the same participants, experienced Boston police is better able to manipulate 40 000 demonstrators, who dwarf the 500 people who attended the "Unite the right" rally "and 1 000 against demonstrators in Charlottesville."

Malcolm Nance, MSNBC's terrorism and security analyst, said the Boston network acts as a city "that actually have a ready game," commented the contrast between the actions of law enforcement in Boston compared to Charlottesville.

He ordered the Boston police to act with respect and promptly and noted his ability to identify troublemakers, as the 33 people were arrested.

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The head of the Boston Police Department: We don't want another Charlottesville 2:05
"They grabbed them, pushed them quickly into the back of the line and they were peaceful demonstrators to let go," said Nance. "More importantly, the mayor has made excellent decisions." Number one, there are authorized weapons. There are no authorized weapons. Number two, there is no body armor, no big flag with a big stick. And that's what these people are brought to the helmet of Charlottesville and other accoutrements that gives us the riots we have there.

The mayor's office and the Boston Police Department met with the organizers of the Boston Free Speech Rally to discuss the possibility of the city happening. There are a number of conditions, including a weapons ban, limit the time of the rally and put the dump truck to block the road.

The police push the demonstrators as "free speech" the rally participants were escorted out of the region. Mark Peterson/NBC news report
Boston Police shake destruction and illness menanwhile Rallies and Protests Boston Police shake destruction and illness menanwhile  Rallies and Protests Reviewed by admin on August 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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